Perspektif Wisatawan Mancanegara (Wisman) Terhadap Pariwisata Indonesia menggunakan Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
The 2022 G20 Bali summit in Indonesia provides an opportunity to revitalize the tourism industry after the Covid-19 pandemic. The perspectives of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia, including the advantages and disadvantages of their tourism experience are an important aspect to improve tourism in Indonesia. In this paper, we propose the perspective of foreign tourists on Indonesian tourism using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The first step was scrapping data comments by foreign tourists regarding tourism in Indonesia from Twitter. The next step of this paper is data preprocessing consisting of cleaning data, tokenization, stopwords, and stemming. The LDA method is used to analyze and identify the main topics from the comments until obtaining relevant insights. The results of the research reveal three main topics: tourist satisfaction with Indonesian tourism, foreign tourist activities during their tour, and plans for foreign tourists to visit Indonesia. These findings provide valuable insights for the government in optimizing the tourism sector in the future and supporting post-pandemic economic recovery. In the context of recovery, understanding the strengths and weaknesses identified by foreign tourists can help the government take appropriate steps to increase Indonesia's attractiveness as a tourist destination.